Health is Family...

 Evidence Based Medicine, When The Standard Of Care Isn’t Enough

Evidence Based Medicine

We’ve created this site primarily for family and friends who are in need of some hope, who need solutions now, who find themselves unable to find a treatment protocol that match their health needs.

On this site, you’ll find treatments we’ve researched and tried ourselves with a variety of patients, family, and friends. We’ve also included links to websites and other resource material we have personally found helpful. We’ll be posting updates in blog format for the most part, but everything we post is fully searchable from the search button above. And if you don’t find what you’re looking for, we’ll research it and post about it for you and others.

We’re not doctors and we don’t pretend to be. We have faced health challenges, and continue to do so, that have forced us to think outside of the box, beyond the standard of care our usual doctors can offer us. We don’t ask you to trust us; trust the evidence, trust the outcomes. Our successes won’t necessarily be yours, but they clearly illustrate that there are many options to consider that have had success you might not have ever heard about.

Of course, all treatments come with risks and costs you have to consider for yourself and that in itself can be a very challenging process. Please feel free to contact us if you need help or guidance in determining what options might make sense for your needs. We will continue to add to the database as we learn more and perhaps your journey can appear here also and help others find their way to a better and healthier life.

Don’t give up hope, that is what we really want to share with you.

Healthcare providers in the U.S. are actively warned not to inform you, the patient, about alternatives that are not standard of care, partly because they are offering you “false hope.” If they do, they can be sued for malpractice and even risk the loss of their license. But, in an effort to protect patients from unscrupulous doctors hawking miracle cures that offer no hope and might even be dangerous, the rest of the profession finds itself unable to discuss hopeful new treatments that are not yet FDA approved for clinical applications for fear they will be seen as “recommending,” an interesting new treatment they might have heard of that would be worth looking into.

Every one of us will face a seemingly insurmountable health challenge at some point in our lives. The standard of care might offer a ready solution that will allow you to get on with a productive and fulfilling life again. Or it might not. If it doesn’t, come here to look for alternatives. If you don’t see what you need, contact us and we’ll do our best to help you find something that will give you hope again.

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